Banco de Dados - Ficha de Coleta

Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia - CENARGEN
Herbário CEN Brasília-DF Brasil

Caryocar brasiliense Cambess.
Determinador: Nome Comum: Piqui Cód.Acesso:
Coletor: Larry Ronald Noblick 5087 No Tombo: 26638
Data: 02/02/1996 Mat.Coletado: Exsicatas Uso:
Município/UF: GOIAS - GO
Local: Sítio d`Abadia, a few km S of town on the road to Formoso, Minas Gerais.
Altitude: 900 m Latitude: 14o 39' 50'' S Longitude: 046o 23' 54'' O Frequência:
Flor: Fruto:
Hábito: Árvore com 4 m de altura x 20 cm de diâmetro
Observação: Soils silty sandy and vegetation is cerrado. Garden accession number 96719. "Piquei" is the common name and is a common tree in this region. Trunk is 4 m tall and 20 cm in diameter. Tree is highly branched, first branch only 40 cm from ground. Leaves trifoliate, stiff, and coriacious. Fruit is yellowish when ripe with a strong odor. Seed surrounded by a yellow flesh and seed has numerous "Opuntia-like" spines. Fruit used as a flavoring for rice dishes. Doação Fairchild Tropical Garden - Miami.
Participantes: Larry Ronald Noblick