
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária – Embrapa
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Herbrio CEN Base de dados Famlias



Anemia presliana Prantl

LinhaNo TomboColetorData ColetaMunicpio-UFLocal da Coleta
1119.030Bianca Schindler 2826/02/2021PONTE ALTA DO TOCANTINS - TOESEC Serra Geral de Tocantins.
2124.454Paulo Henrique Labiak 525817/01/2011ALTO PARAISO DE GOIAS - GORoad from Alto Paraiso de Gois to Nova Roma (GO 239) Gallery forest at about 1,5 km E of Alto Paraiso de Gois, on road banks.
3124.463Paulo Henrique Labiak 529519/01/2011ALTO PARAISO DE GOIAS - GORoad from Niquelndia to Brasilia (BR 414), Ca. 25 km S of Niquelndia on BR 414, plus 2 km on secondary road at the right side -14,651, -48,606, Cerrado and Campo on rock outcrops, on rock crevices along road banks
4124.473Paulo Henrique Labiak 531220/01/2011PIRENOPOLIS - GOFazenda Vagafogo. Terrestrial, on road banks.
5124.484Paulo Henrique Labiak 532720/01/2011PIRENOPOLIS - GOSerra dos Pirineus. Cerrado and rock outcrops. On sand soil at the base of rocks.






Embrapa Recursos Genticos e Biotecnologia

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuria - Embrapa